The original author of these German essays was Ingeborg Franke von Wangenheim.
Suddenly, we were all preparing for another premiere night, our third.
And then, the night itself: My mind soars with the memory of the resounding success we celebrated, the wild applause of that audience remains ever-ringing in our ears. All the leading critics were there, and came to the after-party, where they complimented us for our solid artistic production, “Who’s the Dumbest?”.
“You’ve come to a completely new place since your first shows, last year,” one friend told us. “Your ensemble somehow seems more there, in-the-present-moment.”
The writer Karl Wittvogel also was at the party. He extremely enthusiastic. Barely able to contain himself, he told Wangenheim how surprising the show had become under his direction.
“Really, this is something so completely different!” the writer said.